Bullockie - Meeting 2012 - Westerwald

Dear Bullockies,
Our yearly meeting in 2012 will be held February 4th and 5th (Saturday / Sunday) at Axel's.
the weekend of 4./5.th of february 2012
Axel Göbel, Waigandshainer Str. 12, 56477 Rennerod (Emmerichenhain) Westerwald
We will meet there Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
Emmerichenhain is situated at the B54, pretty much exactly between Siegen and Limburg. Your approach might best be planned by using A45 or A3. Travellers by rail can be picked up at the railway stations Herborn or Limburg (south = ICE-stop) if desired. Please contact us for the necessary coordination!!!
Saturday we will be able to listen to 2 lectures:
- Antonius Kunz
"Back to the cow - history of the working cow in the Westerwald"
Pictures and exhibits will give us a true insight into working with cows in the Westerwald.
- Christian Eisentraut
"The dog of the cowherd"
Herding dogs from the Westerwald and their use as cowdogs now and then.
Besides, all your collected pictures and inputs of the nearly past year are welcome of course and can be presented.
Accomodation and meals:
Food will be taken care of in Emmerichenhain. Coffee, cake and dinner will be served and sold at cost.
If you need to be transferred from Emmerichenhain to your hotel, we will take care of that.
Sunday morning at about 10.00 a.m. we will meet again for our excursion, respectively for the cows' hitch at Axel Göbel's farm in Waigandshainer Str. 12.
We are open for registration now!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and see you Feb., 4th!
Axel Göbel und Jörg Bremond